New technologies such as autonomous driving, air taxis, drones or the use of artificial intelligence offer enormous innovation potential. In addition, consumers
Innovative, smart and flexible…
Barcodes scanned with EASYmarker are computed instantly to database to be searched.
EASYmarker is a new generation smart barcode scanning system that works independent from locations indoor-outdoor.
Barcodes can be researched from database to display registration information and authorization, and thus secure access can be organized at access check points.
Scanning points and session are identified and assigned staff selects working area and session then saves the data which is scanned to database.
When it is requested, it is possible to access to data how many persons are scanned singularly or plurally.
Enables you to access all data that you can customize on your request with professional solutions.
conference interactive register social media
New technologies such as autonomous driving, air taxis, drones or the use of artificial intelligence offer enormous innovation potential. In addition, consumers
The exhibition series goes into the next round with Work & Production and shows innovations, technology and research on 1.000m².From highly automated
The Bluetooth Technology exhibition shows details about the mesh technology, which converts the one-to-one pairing of traditional Bluetooth devices into a many-to-many
An underground exhibition center in industrial optics, the accessoires hang on the Walkman wall at the top – The first portable music